Sunburn Itch –If your sunburned skin starts to peel, it can become very itchy due to the associated dryness. A soothing moisturizer, like Vaseline® Jelly may help but also, try to avoid picking or scratching your skin as it peels. We know it can be hard, but scratching could make it...
Over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen or paracetamol can take the sting out of your sunburn and help you rest more comfortably. If your skin is very itchy, try an antihistamine. US guidelines also often suggest low-dose (0.5-1%) hydrocortisone cream; there’s not muc...
A dermatologist and trichologist explain how to soothe and treat a sunburned scalp, plus the best products you can use to prevent it.
Always wearsunscreenwhen you’re outdoors to protect your skin from the sun. If you stay outside for too long without protection, you can get a red, itchy burn that may blister. As soon as you spot a sunburn, head inside to treat it. Soothe your burned skin with a cool, damp washclo...
the sting out of your sunburn and help you rest more comfortably. If your skin is very itchy, try anantihistamine.USguidelinesalso often suggest low-dose (0.5-1%) hydrocortisone cream; there's not much evidence for its effectiveness, but it also won't hurt you to try it for a few days...
. When yoursunburn peels, on the other hand, that's a sign that your body is trying to get rid of dead or damaged skin cells. Although it's tempting topeel or scratch at a burnor itchy patch of skin, that can intensify the sensation, delay the healing process, or lead to scarring...
This classic is the go-to sunburn cure for a reason. “We’re starting to see evidence in medical literature that aloe vera may really help wound healing,” says Dr. Basler. If you have an aloe plant, simply break off a leaf and apply the juice. Pure, organic aloe vera gel is the...
An over-the-counter topical steroid like Cortizone-10 can help soothe sunburn, but avoid "-caine" products like benzocaine, the Mayo Clinic advises. They can cause an allergic reaction that may make your itch even worse. Oatmeal DIY your own itch relief with this derm-approved remedy: "The...
Inadequate sun care can worsen acne and damage your skin, so it’s essential to use an SPF above factor 15. Wearing protective clothing and staying out of the sun during peak hours also helps to protect your skin. 2 Stop Smoking Smoking is highly detrimental to your skin. It makes ...
Hay fever can cause symptoms of discomfort and irritation. Read our guide for how to stop itchy eyes from hay fever, for good, get contact lens advice and more!