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For how many integer values of {eq}a {/eq} does the equation {eq}x^2 + ax + 8a = 0 {/eq} have integer solutions for {eq}x {/eq}?Quadratic Formula:There are several methods to find the solution for a quadratic equation, but the safest t...
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The greatest thing about PyCon is the feeling of belonging to a community. That’s only made possible by the great people who give back to the Python community, and you can become one of them! There are lots of ways that you can give back to this great community: ...
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Szpiro, GG (2003) Kepler’s Conjecture: How Some of the Greatest Minds in History Helped Solve One of the Oldest Math Problems in the World. Wiley, New YorkChem 93(19):6929–6939 Szpiro GG (2003) Kepler’s conjecture: how some of the greatest minds in history helped solve one of the...
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Simple Java program to find GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) or GCF(Greatest Common Factor) or HCF (Highest common factor). The GCD of two numbers is the largest positive integer that divides both the numbers fully i.e. without any remainder. There are multiple methods to find GCD, GDF, or...