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To solve the case, we need to go way back, through {\alpha =-1}, to the special case of integration in the derivation of the original polytropic equation, \begin{aligned} \frac{{\textrm{d}} p}{{\textrm{d}} x}=K_1 p\implies \log {p}=K_1 x+K_2,\quad K_{1,2}\in \...
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邵启满中国科学:数学(英文版)How small are the increments of partial sums of non-iid random variables - Shao - 1992Shao, Q.: How small are the increments of partial sums of non-iid random variables? Science in China (Series A) 35, 675-689 (1992)...
Arunning total, orcumulative sum, is a sequence of partial sums of a given data set. It is used to show the summation of data as it grows with time (updated every time a new number is added to the sequence). This technique is very common in everyday use, for example to calculate ...
Is it possible to quickly select all empty cells and then sum cells above to the next empty cell? Yes, I will show you how.Can I have a formula in grand total (row 18) that only sums all the totals above? Yes!13.1. How to select empty cells in a cell range...
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How to solve zero-sum games? Explain why the sum of -8 and 2 is negative, but the sum of 8 and -2 is positive. Expand the sum. \sum_{n= 0}^{5}\frac{x^n}{n!} Let w = -3xy-2yz-4xz, x=st, y =e^{st}, z=t^2 . Compute \frac{\partial w}{\partial s}(-3,1...
A running total, or a cumulative sum, is a series of partial sums of any set of data. The running total shows the summary of data as it accumulates over time. Suppose we have the first value X. If we get the second value Y, the running total will be X+Y. Similarly, if there’...