There’s plenty to learn in our favourite wizarding school as you progress through the game, so here’s how to unlock all spells in Hogwarts Legacy.
The epic, upcoming open-world action RPG game Hogwarts Legacy is coming February 10th, 2023 – and you’ll be able to bring your Hogwarts house and wand you’ve discovered with us into the game. Read …
deadly enemies, and adorable beasts, one of the main draws to the Wizarding World RPG from Portkey Games is, of course, the spells players can cast at their enemies and even use to solve the many puzzles scattered through
How to complete Professor Hecat’s Assignment 2 in Hogwarts Legacy To obtain the Expelliarmus Spell, you first need to complete a few tasks for Professor Hecat. These tasks aren’t difficult but may take you a bit of time to complete. Luckily, you can combine them with other quests to a...
How to get more spell slots in Hogwarts Legacy Image by Pro Game Guides To get more spells slots, you'll first need to unlock theTalentsmenu. You'll need to progress through the main story far enough to achieve this. The Talents menu allows you to earn talents points as you level up ...
How To Use The Key Of Admittance In Hogwarts Legacy The Key of Admittance fits a lock that’s very close by. Players shouldhead back down to the Headmaster’s Office and back down the spiral stairs. At the opposite end of the hallway is a locked door that players can open with the ...
How to pick locks in Hogwarts Legacy As already stated, there are different types of locks that you need to pick in the game. You can consider them as mini puzzles to solve. You will start a mini-game with two rotating dials when you cast Alohomora on a locked chest or door. These ...
How to get the good ending In order to play the Good ending in Hogwarts Legacy you have to select the following options: “I intend to keep it contained here” “I shall keep it a secret forever” Choosing these will make you the“Keeper of the Ancient Magic”that is being held down ...
orange glow to them, hinting that you can do something with them. You’ll find these puzzles often while playing Hogwarts Legacy, and knowing the solutions will make playing the game much easier. Here’s what you need to know about how to solve the skeleton bridge puzzles in Hogwarts ...
How to solve the Merlin Trail east of Hogsmeade Village inHogwarts Legacy Screengrab via Avalanche Studios | Remix by Dipanjan The last Merlin Trial is located east of Hogsmeade Village. Check the yellow circle on the map image above to see its location. Once you’re there, scatter the Mallo...