Differential Equation:When the differential equation is given for the linear order with first-order derivative or the second-order derivative, then the solution will have the partial solution or the homogeneous solution.Answer and Explanation:
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Hi, I'm new on MatLab, and I have to solve and plot the results of a differential equation for an academic project. Can anyone tell me how to solve this equation? 댓글 수: 10 이전 댓글 8개 표시 Giulia Galimberti 2019년 6월 5일 I think this problem is big...
You don't miss anything - your equation is just too complicated to have an analytical solution.
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1 How to solve this non-linear differential equation 2 Is there any easy way to solve this differential equation? 1 How to solve this differential equation with coefficients? 2 Solve parametric differential equation using Mathematica 0 How do I solve a differential equation on this form? 0 ...
Wolfram 语言 的微分方程求解函数可以应用于多种类别的微分方程,自动选择适当算法,而不需要用户进行预处理. 微分代数方程(DAE)就是一类这样的方程.
How can I solve this using a Runge-Kutta method?ϕϕexists in[0,π/2][0,π/2]. Thank you for the attention! I've tried the following code: function [T,V]=capillaryrisesol(N) beta=80; f=@(phi,x,z) [ (cos(phi))/(2+beta*z-(sin(phi)/x) ) ; (sin(...
How to solve an elliptic partial differential... Learn more about elliptic, partial differential equation
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