In summary, the homework statement is to find the inverse Laplace transform. The attempt at a solution uses the theorem that \mathcal{L}[f(t)*g(t)]=F(s)G(s) where F(s) and G(s) are arbitrary functions. So, we solve for \sin at*\sin at using the integral equation \sin at*...
What are the benefits of using the "HELP" Inverse Laplace Transform? The "HELP" Inverse Laplace Transform allows for a relatively straightforward method of finding the inverse Laplace transform of a function, even for more complex functions. It can also be used to solve differential equations ...
Although there are easier ways to solve this equation in MATLAB (e.g., using dsolve()), you mentioned Laplace transform in your question. The following code shows how to use it Laplace, and inverse Laplace transform to find the impulse response. 테...
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Using the method of partial fractions, we find that the first two terms can be found to be 1/(s+2) + 1/(s+3). The second two terms, also found from partial fractions, are e-4(1+s) [ 1/(s+2) - 1/(s+3) ]. Now it is a simple...
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How do you solve an integral of zero to infinity? Definite Integrals: Definite integrals are a type of integral wherein the integration is done within a defined interval. The interval can be either open or closed, as long as one is present. Unlike indefinite integrals, where the answers are...
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