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Review of Basic Trig Functions I absolutely love trig functions, like sines and cosines. I love them because they repeat, they're very predictable and quite frankly, they're pretty graphs. But one of my biggest problems with trig functions is that it's really hard to solve the inverse. ...
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Anti-Derivatives: Calculating Indefinite Integrals of Polynomials 11:55 Integral of Trig Functions | Sine, Cosine & Examples 8:04 How to Calculate Integrals of Exponential Functions 4:28 10:52 Next Lesson Integration by Substitution Steps & Examples Substitution Techniques for Difficult Integrals...
It is also called the reverse process of differentiation, where the function is disintegrated into parts to find the derivatives. Whereas integration, on the other hand, is used to find the antiderivatives of a function. Both the processes which constitute calculus are inverse of each other. How...
How to find Stationary Point of a Multivariable function? To find the stationary points of a multivariable function: Take the partial derivative of the function with respect to each variable. Set all partial derivatives equal to zero. Solve the resulting system of equations to find the values of...
How to find the area between two curves in integral calculus Finding the area between two curves in integral calculus is a simple task if you are familiar with the rules of integration (see indefinite integral rules). The easiest way to solve this problem is to find the area under each cur...
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When used properly, derivatives can be used by firms to help mitigate various financial risk exposures that they may be exposed to. Three common ways of using derivatives for hedging include foreign exchange risks, interest rate risk, and commodity or product input price risks. ...