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However, problems related to how mathematicians find problems, pose problems, think about problems, and solve problems in mathematical science have rarely been touched upon until now. Therefore, “Where do good problems come from?” [6]. The motivation of the current paper is to start an ...
Carl Friedrich Gauss, one of the greatest mathematicians who ever lived, was given the following problem to solve as an elementary school student in the late 18th century: What is the sum of the integers from {eq}1 {/eq} to {eq}100? {/eq} To his teacher's surprise, Gauss provided ...
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The following inequalities ensure the proof of first part of Theorem 1: θ m C − θ r C = 0 ; τ m C − τ r C = 0 ; π g m C − π g r C = 0 ; ρ 0 m C − ρ 0 r C = ( a − c m ) ( κ Z 2 + X 2 λ 2 ) Δ 1 > 0 ; Differentiating op...
To obtain optimal response for the retailer in Equation (1), one needs to solve d π r m C d p m C = 0 𝑑𝜋𝐶𝑟𝑚𝑑𝑝𝐶𝑚=0. On simplification, p m C ( w m C , θ m C , τ m C , ρ m C ) = a + w m C + θ m C β + ρ m C 2 𝑝𝐶...