Math Courses / Math 104: Calculus How to Solve Improper Integrals Lesson Transcript Instructor Kelly Sjol Cite this lesson Improper integrals extend to infinity, typically positively or negatively. Explore the concept of improper integrals and discover the process of solving them using variables to ...
If I try to integrate these like in integral calculus, the two terms on the left-hand side look a lot more reasonable (the integral of 1/(x+2)dx=ln(x+2)+C) than the gigantic term on the right-hand side. In fact, if you gave me (4x+5)/(x^2 + x-2) and told me ...
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There is a separate method in mathematics where we can solve big addition problems, even to the limits of infinity. Integration is a method that is used to find a summation under an expansive scale. The method is associated with a branch of mathematics calledcalculus. Integration is one of ...
In summary, to solve the integral of x^2ln(x)dx, we use integration by parts with u=ln(x), du=1/x, dv=x^2dx, and v=x^3/3. This gives us the solution x^3/3ln(x) - (1/3)\int x^2dx, which simplifies to x^3/3ln(x) - (1/3)(x^3/3) + C. ...
What are some applications of the Cauchy principal value in science? The Cauchy principal value is commonly used in physics and engineering to solve problems involving infinite or singular integrals. It is also used in the study of complex analysis and the theory of distributions in mathematics...
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