How to Solve the Derivatives Problem - Lukken - 2008 () Citation Context ... settlement and clearing process. Indeed, according to Walter Lukken, acting chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, “No U.S. futures clearinghouse has ever defaulted on its guarantee” (=-=Lukken 2008-...
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It might be possible to express derivatives of a unit vector in terms of the unit vector without square roots sort of like this: In [19]: v = (f(x)+I*g(x))/sqrt(f(x)**2+g(x)**2) In [20]: v Out[20]: f(x) + ⅈ⋅g(x) ──────────────────...
Ah, that actually wasn't what I was thinking (I don't know why, b/c in retrospect your question makes perfect sense). Anyway, that actually makes the answer fairly easy: yes. See Thanks
Solve the scalar equation for this parameter We can relate the plastic multiplier to the effective plastic strain increment using the flow rule and then transform the equation for stress into a governing scalar equation: This is in general a nonlinear equation, and we need to solve it using a...
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it is considered destructive creation. Some types ofderivatives, structured investment products, and non-conventional mortgages have fallen under public scrutiny in recent years as innovations that prove to bring more harm than good.
the finite difference method is used to solve partial differential equations typically derived from options pricing formulas, such as those in the Black-Scholes framework. This technique is particularly effective for American options and other derivatives where risk assessment requires an analysis of the...