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Gauss-Seidel is never a good solution method to solve a linear system of equations. Yes, they teach it in school, essentially as a way to talk about the solution of linear systems of equations. The general idea can even be useful for nonlinear proble...
- Graphic method - Gauss Jordan's method. There are mathematical problems that are solved by systems of equations, where the statement allows us to obtain two or more equations, and through the methods already mentioned, we can so...
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the Gauss-Jordan Elimination method are used to obtain these two forms. This is also an application of the mathematical area called Linear Algebra where a linear transformation or mapping can be represented by a matrix whose entries are real numbers for example to go from one space to another....
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Performing Gaussian elimination on a matrix, we will obtain the reduced row echelon form by starting with the first nonzero entry on the first column, doing row operations to obtain zeros under the first nonzero entry. Next, we create the second pivot, by choosing the first nonzero on the...
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