or powers. Many times, problems will require you to use the laws of exponents to simplify variables with exponents, or you will have to simplify an equation with exponents to solve it. To work with exponents, you need to know the basic exponent rules. ...
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An exponential equation is a type of equation that has a variable exponent. In this problem, the variable exponent is x. In order to solve an exponential equation, we need to apply exponential and logarithmic properties. Answer and Explanation: We need to solve the exponential equation e2x=5...
Hi everyone, could you tell me, step-by-step, how to solve the following equation: s*x^(alpha) = (n + g + sigma)*x I have to solve for x, but my main...
You want to solve for x, just like before, so get x by itself on one side of the equation. Subtract 3 from both sides: 5x+3−3=10y+18–3 Simplify: 5x=10y+15 Now divide both sides by 5: 5x5=10y+155 Simplify: ...
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What is the equation related to Keynes' consumption function? How to solve a problem with "3" as an exponent, such as x^3 + 8 or 64c^3 - 1? When using the gravitational constant with units \frac{Nm^2}{kg^2} do masses in grams need to ...
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