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Discover what separable differential equations are and their uses. Learn to identify if an equation is separable and how to solve them through given examples. Related to this Question Solve the following relations for x \enspace and \enspace y and compu...
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I didn't check the equation in detail, but if you know the y value you're looking for, you basically just need to find the root of equation minus y value. Assume the y value you're looking for is 3, then you can use
The following dataset has 4 equations, each successively increasing the power of x. We’ll find the value of x in these equations. Method 1 – Using Goal Seek to Solve for x in Excel Step 1 – Formulate the Equation to find F(x) Value ...
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When f ′ ( α ) ≠ 0 , we give a method to solve completely the equation XA - AX = f ( X ) : we reduce the problem to solving a sequence of Sylvester equations. Solutions of the equation f ( XA - AX ) = X are also given in particular cases.Gerald Bourgeois...
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