while they took more time to solve hard questions. This became apparent in the Penn Matrix Reasoning Test (PMAT), which consists of a series of increasingly difficult pattern matching tasks for quantifying FI11. While PS tests are typically so simple that people would not make ...
In summary, the student is trying to solve a linear differential equation for the system described in the homework statement. Unfortunately, they don't know how to get from the equation in standard form to the characteristic roots and modes. ...
substitutionsLineTensions, {i, Length[vertexList]}]]; bcList = Flatten[vertexList /. t -> tCurrent] == Flatten[cellularVoronoiDiagram[[1]]]; (*Check working precision*) Timing[times = {}; Monitor[ s = NDSolve[{diffEQs, bcList, With[{edgeData = edgeData, vertexList = vertexList}...
The previous solutions make Jupyter notebooks more friendly to version control, but they have drawbacks.nbconvertprocesses are manual (butscriptable) and they force the user to rerun the notebook after stripping the output.nbdimeoffers more complete solutions fordiffandmerge, but doesn't make it eas...
If (1+x) (real close to 1) Is raised to the power of 1 Overx, you will find Here’s the value defined: 2.718281… In arctic and tropical climes, The integers, addition, and times, Taken (modp) will yield A full finite field, ...
to special decompositions of the electric field. More specifically, we apply the Helmholtz decomposition theorem to split the electric field into its Coulombic and radiative parts, and show how this gives a special role to the Coulomb gauge (i.e. div(A)=0). We relate this argument to ...
Procedural knowledge equates with the cognitive skill to solve certain SD-related problems (cf. [23]). Therefore, considering and weighing different perspectives is necessary. The development of a measurement instrument for SD-related knowledge of student teachers considers the contexts of insects and...