I’m basically an explorer. Even if exploration doesn’t come naturally to you, I believe scientists of every temperament can learn to explore. I'd like to help everyone here become more creative, more open to oppo...
Being resourcefulmeans finding smart and creative ways to solve a problem, using whateverresources you have at the time.36They can also be anything else that’s useful.such as information, advice or your own experience. I...
He willingly accepted the strange nature of light and chose whichever attribute best addressed the problem he was trying to solve. Today, physicists accept the dual nature of light. In this modern view, they define light as a collection of one or more photons propagating through space as ...
Chemical reactions are processes whereby products are created from reactants by the rearrangement or exchange of some of the atoms between the reactants. We often think of chemical reactions being one-way, but practically all chemical reactions are reversible to some extent. Some reactions though ...
A neutralization equation is a chemical reaction that involves the combination of a strong acid and a strong base. The products of such a reaction are typically water and a salt. It is useful to know how to solve neutralization equations because they are
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Chemical Reaction: Matter is made up of atoms and these atoms combine to form molecules. This combination results in chemical compounds with varying physical and chemical properties. The act of formation and decomposition of chemical bonds by atoms to make new compounds is called chemical reaction....
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18 (Xinhua) -- From an "artificial sun" setting global records in nuclear fusion to a deep space exploration lab that supports China's moon missions and a quantum computer prototype that can solve intractable problems 10 quadrillion times faster than the world's fastest supercomputers, Hefei ...
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