How to Solve World Problems in Calculus reviews important concepts in calculus and provides solved problems and step-by-step solutions. Once students have mastered the basic approaches to solving calculus word problems, they will confidently apply these new mathematical principles to even the most ...
Be prepared when you get to the word-problem section of your test! With this easy-to-use pocket guide, solving word problems in calculus becomes almost fun. This anxiety-quelling guide helps you get ready for those daunting word problems, one step at a time. With fully explained examples,...
George Polya:《How to Solve it: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method》 内容简介: 这本经久不衰的畅销书出自一位著名数学家的手笔,虽然它讨论的是数学中发现和发明的方法和规律,但是对在其他任何领域中怎样进行正确思维都有明显的指导作用。本书围绕“探索法”这一主题,采用明晰动人的散文笔法,阐述了求得一个...
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喜欢读"How to Solve It"的人也喜欢 ··· Switch 8.5 Gödel, Escher, Bach 9.4 Asking the Right Questions (9/e) 9.1 The Calculus Lifesaver 9.2 Concrete Mathematics 9.8 Why Don't Students Like School? 8.7 Simple Heuristics That Make Us S... 9.0 Making Up the Mind 9.0...
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Exponential functions, such as those in the form of e^x, have unique characteristics in calculus. Learn how to calculate the integrals of exponential functions, including those with trigonometric variables. Quick Calculus Review The derivative of e^x is e^x ...
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This lesson will explain how to solve algebra problems that include fractions by modifying the problems to make them easier. It will explain two methods that are closely related to one another. Overview: Changing Fractions to Integers Fractions have always been a difficult obstacle for math studen...
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