•Use analogy Try to think of an analogous problem,that is,a similar problem,a related problem,but one that is easier than the original problem.If you can solve the similar,simpler problem,then it might give you the clues you need to solve the original,more difficult problem.For ...
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The second is causality. Current state-of-the-art technology is built upon a complex model that requires massive compute power and huge volumes of data to simulate relatively weak patterns and correlations. However, it cannot easily solve causality. An analogy is WWII bombers, which were great ...
howtosolveit英文版总论波利解题subgoals G.Polyaand“HowtoSolveIt!” AnoverallframeworkforproblemsolvingwasdescribedbyG.Polyainabookcalled“HowtoSolveIt!” (2ndEd.,PrincetonUniversityPress).AlthoughPolya’sfocuswasonsolvingmathproblems,thestrategies aremuchmoregeneralandarebroadlyapplicable.Inductivereasoningisthe...
When we begin to solve problems, we ask The concept of the question may be incomplete; when we make some progress, our view is different; and when I When we have almost got the answer, the view will be more different. To appropriately group our questions and recommendations, we divided ...
How to create the perfect home office setup for remote working How to embrace asynchronous communication for remote work How to evaluate a remote job How to repurpose office space in a remote world How to use forcing functions to work remote-first How values contribute to an all-remote...
The other is the science of intelligence, or rather, how to enable a machine to come up with a result comparable to what a human brain would come up with, even if the machine achieves it through a very different process. To use an analogy, "birds fly and airplanes fly, but they fly...
I just discovered I was the worst communicator on earth. People would come to me with problems and I would try and solve them immediately. I thought that was my job, and they would get upset because they're like, quit trying to solve my problem, I just want you to understand how I ...
For a value proposition to effectively turn a prospect into a paying customer, it should clearly identify who the customers are, what their main problems are, and how the company's product or service is the ideal solution to help them solve their problem.3 Frequently Asked Questions What Is ...
For a value proposition to effectively turn a prospect into a paying customer, it should clearly identify who the customers are, what their main problems are, and how the company's product or service is the ideal solution to help them solve their problem.3 Frequently Asked Questions What Is ...