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Solve the following equation by factoring: x2−4x=0 x(x−4)=0 Either x is equal to zero or x-4 is equal to zero or both. The answer to our equation must then be either x=0 or x=4. If we plug x=0 or x=4 into our original equation we will see that we are corre...
An equation in one variable may often be solved to find one or more values that the variable can take on to make the equation true. As an example, consider this equation: 3x+7=22 We can use algebra to isolate the variable x.
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Algebra may be intimidating at first, but you'll quickly learn tricks tho help you solve for the indicated variable in algebra problems. While you might find short-term benefit from using an "algebra calculator" to solve problems, learning the appropriat
Additive Property of Equality:The additive property of equality is used to solve equations. It states that the same number can be added to (or subtracted from) both sides of an equation without changing the truth of the equation. If {eq}A = B {/eq} then {eq}A + C = B + C {/eq...