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Determine whether the following problem involves a permutation or combination, it is not necessary to solve the problem. Regarding permutations and combinations, how can I distinguish between repetition and order? What is the maximum order of a permutation in S_9?
The other is part-to-whole, as in three bananas to ten fruits. In the latter example, imagine the ten comes from the addition problem {eq}3+7=10 {/eq}. Perhaps the other seven fruits were papayas, or a combination of several types. Most ratios might be explained one way, for ...
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Simply put, a 3-odd-2-even combination will give you 33 favorable shots in 100 attempts. If we compare the two classes of combinations, we can see a big difference: ReadHow to Win the Lottery According to Math As can be seen, if you play the 0-odd-5-even combination, you can expe...
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