As for talents, it can get more complicated.Liquid Magma Totem,Primordial WaveandStormkeeperare in a category of spells with a fairly long cooldown that can be easily forgotten, although you should usually wait for the proper time to use them. ...
Note:To Awaken the Phoenix fruit, you will have to clear the advanced raid. To unlock them, you’ll need to master the Phoenix fruit by reaching at least level 400. Then, seek out theSick Scientist in Cake Landon Third Sea. He’ll offer you an advanced raid chip for the price of 1...
Why Magma Thresher is valuable: Sells for 7 gold 50 silver (NA) and 12 gold 70 silver (EU) at the Auction House; Easy to carry, stacks up to 1000 units; New fish released in Dragonflight, which means high demand for new recipes; Is a part of the new Specialty Fishing system; Can...