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For these examples we will be following my free pattern for theDandy Dog Sweater. This is particularly helpful because this pattern also has a correspondingvideo tutorial. In the video I am making the smallest size of the pattern. A good idea would be to follow along with the video while r...
Rubbing it vigorously has a similar effect, and produces more of a shine. I recommend doing so - with a cloth - before you wear them or when you want them to look particularly good. A small amount of cream every few weeks can help soften the leather, and feed it, but don’t use...
There is information online about using white vinegar or baking soda to soften linen. Good luck In reply to by Yvonne McQueen (not verified) Tui 2019-10-29 I wash my linen once a week on a gentle cycle but the pillowcases are greasy and stained. It looks really yuk. How do I cle...
When the rinse cycle is finished, remove the sheets from the machine and hang outside to dry in the sun. This will help to soften them further. If you don't have space to dry them outside, place in the dryer and dry on a low setting - drying at too high a temperature can cause...