Those “extras” are called rich snippets. And it’s surprisingly easy to useWordPress rich snippets– you just need to put in a little legwork to giveGoogle and other search enginesthe information they need. In this post, we’re going to give you the rundown on how to add rich snippet...
Once you’ve added this snippet of code to.htaccess, test whether Gzip is working on your website by runningCheck Gzip Compression. If for whatever reason the code above doesn’t work, try one of the other methods that Patrick Sexton describes in his article “Enable Gzip.” 3. Compress ...
url=%s&media=%s" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="none">Pin It',urlencode(get_permalink()),urlencode(get_post_meta($post->ID,'thesis_post_image',true)));}add_action('thesis_hook_before_post_box','pinterest_post_page_pin_no_count'); For the second button —“Pin It” with a...
In this article, we’ll explain how to properly copy and paste code snippets to your WordPress site. Once you’ve finished reading, you’ll have the knowledge and the confidence to modify your site as you please. You might even have a bit of FUN! Why Add Code Snippets to WordPress? Ad...
. Submitting to either an“Admin-Ajax”or REST API endpoint would also work. But to keep this as simple as possible, we’ll actually just have our above code include a call of our “post saving” function. So what that would look like is the above change to the above code snippet:...
Now that you have written your author bio, you need to display it on your WordPress website. Displaying the Author Bio in WordPress By default, most WordPress themes will display the author’s name on a blog post but no other information about them. ...
All you need to do is install and activate thefree WPCode pluginand use their pre-made snippet to disable the REST API. 4. Block the Scraper’s Access to Your WordPress Website One way to stop scrapers from stealing your content is to take away their access to your website. You can ...
One way to add code snippets is to manually create a child theme with the WordPress files you want to add snippets to. This process isn’t too complicated, though we suggest only going this route if you’re comfortable coding. Because the steps are very theme and snippet specific, consider...
And the best way to do that is to add social share buttons so that anyone can share a link to the post in one click. If your blog is built on WordPress, you can install and activate asocial share pluginto set everything up.
Here's a basic CSS snippet: a.pinit-button { border-bottom: 0 !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; } a.pinit-button::after { display: none; } Once you've saved your CSS code, save your changes and preview your site to see the new button in ac...