You can overclock your CPU to run at a higher speed than its official speed grade. However, running the processor at higher speeds wears the processor down quicker and may cause your game stuck on loading or even crashing. So, to stop No Man’s Sky from crashing, you should set your CP...
For all the bugs and disappointments that surroundedFallout 76’s rushed launch, the massive online multiplayer spin-off eventually garnered a rich community. One group of players—collectively known as EATT (Establishment of Appalachian Taste Testers)—hunted other playersand used the game's bizarre...
Fallout 4 is one of the most popular games around, and it’s easy to understand why. From its intense post-apocalyptic setting to its gripping story and characters, Fallout 4 offers a truly unique gaming experience that millions of gamers have enjoyed since its release in 2015....
Onerecent Reddit threadmentions that Fallout 4 is now running in Steam using GPTK. Whisky creates a log of everything it does on your Mac's Startup Disk at ~/Library/Logs/com.isaacmarovitz.Whisky. Being able to install and run Steam for Windows on your Apple Silicon Mac opens a whole ...
You should restart Steam to have Steam Tinker Launch available. Change the Proton version used for Viva New Vegas to Steam Tinker Launch. Play the game once then follow this guide
There's a good chance that Avowed will eventually make its way to PS5, but right now, there's no official word on that. What has been on PlayStation Plus for a while is the last major RPG from Obsidian, The Outer Worlds. Often compared to a Fallout in space, this is a more contai...
You can immediately notice the subtle change of fluidity when the gameplay starts to get sluggish — movements are slow, panning the camera from left to right feels like something is weighing it down. In short, it’ll be “laggy”. The Xbox FPS Boost feature is integrated at a system leve...
Episode 4 – The Action: The Kennedys double down on their plot against Fidel Castro. Episode 5 – The Showdown: The U.S. and Castro conflict leads to a nuclear showdown with the Soviets. Episode 6 – The Fallout: In the series finale, Roselli and Giancana face the consequences of the...
In level 17 you canpush yourself into the walls while sliding down to slow down on them.Perform small jumps off them to the other side’s wall to avoid the spikes. Do this throughout the level and you will be reaching the flag in no time. ...
3) Open the "Windows 95-98-ME" folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. (yes to overwrite the files) 4) Open the “Batch_work’ folder and copy and paste these files into your Fallout 2 install directory. Run the f2.bat file (A window will popu...