The funny thing is that many chronically sleep-deprived people consider their daily symptoms normal. That’s one of the reasons why some people are convinced they can get by with four to six hours of sleep without problems. In reality, those people don’t know what it means and how it fe...
Another option is adding just a splash of 100% fruit juice or enough to add flavoring without adding too much sugar or too many calories. Get creative! Naturally flavored sparkling waters. Nowadays, you can find cans of fizzy sparkling water. Look for those that are flavored with fruit ...
I never get a full night's sleep (7-8 hours) without getting up at least once. On a bad night it can be 5-6 times. GP not interested and I've dealt with this for years. Is this normal for some people? I've tried cutting out caffeine completely and not drinking ...
What Happens to Your Sleep When You Become Pregnant?Your sleep can undergo a variety of changes during pregnancy, though it’s important to note that every pregnancy is different.“During the first trimester, women often experience frequent waking at night, often related to frequent trips to the...
If you’re looking for an extremely simple, frugal, and quick “fix” for many common ailments like dry skin, headaches, chapped lips, low energy, restless legs, and poor sleep, my non-professional suggestion is to drink a lot more water each day! Yes, I know it sounds too easy… ...
Four old-timers were playing their weekly game of golf. One remarked how nice it would be to wake up on Christmas morning, roll out of bed and without an argument go directly to the golf course, meet his buddies and play a round. His buddies all..
Yay for uninterrupted sleep! However, if your dog has nighttime accidents, you will need to set up their environment for success. This might mean crating them at night or having them sleep in their larger playpen. You don't want them wandering through the home looking for a potty spot ...
But it will only be concentrated if your cat doesn't pee throughout the night, like if they sleep in bed with you, as mine used to. This helps provide better and more accurate results when tested. This may seem impossible, but you can do it!
In any given day we may not know exactly what will happen, what we’ll do, who we’ll meet, or where we’ll sleep that night. This feeling of uncertainty that comes with van life adventures has a way of making you feel alive, more in tune with the present moment, and accepting of...
“She said she had to pee again,” they said. “Can you believe it? It’s 9pm! What tricks do your children pull at bedtime?” I could hear the collective groans and giggled when they sharedSamuel L Jackson reading “Go The F*ck to Sleep.” ...