In this guide, we'll show you 7 steps to make a bed in Minecraft. Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, one of the first items you'll need to craft is a bed. Not only does a bed let you skip the night and avoid hostile mobs, but it also acts as a...
If one has to choose the most important Minecraft potion, it has to be the Awkward Potion. In itself, this potion doesn’t have any effect on the player or the mobs. But it’s the main base potion for the majority of best Minecraft potions. Learning how to make an Awkward Potion in ...
show it off there you have it. your own lego terrarium to last a lifetime. all that’s left to do is find a place to display it. whether it’s on your bookshelf or in your home office, this diy project will let your creativity shine and it’s a great activity to do with oth...
However, there are possible risks to turning off or faking your location, such as: Sneak Out A lot of teenagers often sneak out at night to hang out with friends and attend parties. In such a case, if their location is turned off or hidden from their parents, it can be quite risky...
Irrespective of the Minecraft version, torches are a must while hunting diamonds. Placing them reduces mob spawning, and they obviously let you see better in the dark. But if you want something more effective, you can brew yourself aPotion of Night Vision. ...
art set, we sat down with rolling stones logo designer to hear more about the inspiration for the iconic design... read more all the details not to be missed in vincent van gogh’s the starry night to celebrate our new lego® ideas the starry night, we take a closer look at one ...
Blood Moons have a decent chance of happening should the proper criteria be met. For an 11% chance that a Blood Moon will rise, at least one player in the server needs to have 120 health, and it needs to be any night where the moon is present (any night except a new moon). Once...
playersSleepingPercentagePercentage of players that must sleep in order to skip the Night(available starting in1.17)<number>100 randomTickSpeedSets the speed of how fast things grow or decay (such as the growth of a sapling into a tree). ...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a Potion of Night Vision (8:00) with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, you can brew a Potion of Night Vision (8:00) that is extended to last longer than a regular Potion of Night Vision
APotion of Night Visionin Minecraft is a brewable item that gives players the Night Vision status effect when consumed. This effect allows you to see better in the dark, increasing the brightness level of your surroundings to 15. Essentially this makes everything appear to be at max light le...