How to Spin on Roller Skates How to Do a Mapes Jump on Roller Skates How to Do a Waltz Jump on Roller Skates How to Do a Bunny Hop on Roller Skates 4 Street Skating Safety Tips 2 Advanced Roller-Skating Tips How to Shuffle Roller-Skate...
Rollerblade wheels take some upkeep to ensure that they continue to perform at a high level. To keep your wheels like new, it is recommended to clean and lubricate your wheels and bearings to ensure that your Rollerblades continue to roll like the day that you bought them. Rollerblade recommen...
As a Skate Instructor and Coach, my key focus when teaching my students is how to skate safely all the time. I have successfully taught more than 2,000 beginners over the years to skate safely and still continue to do so. Here, I’ll be covering the techniques on how to stop on rol...
While we can normally get away with not tying our sneakers correctly, we pay a higher price if we do the same with rollerblades. Properly lacing your rollerblades will ensure that your feet are secure and in place inside the boot. Loose lacing can make it easier for your ankles to lean i...
According to Inline Planet, wearing poorly fitting Rollerblades, also known as inline skates, constitutes the number one mistake of beginning skaters. If you wear Rollerblades that don’t fit your feet, you will have trouble skating or even standing comfortably. Skates that are too small can give...
3 Ways to Stop on Rollerblades How to Rollerblade Fast How to Skate Uphill How to Do a Spread Eagle on Roller Skates How to Do a Heel Toe on Roller Skates How to Do Scissors on Roller Skates How to Spin on Roller Skates How to Do a Mapes Jump on Roller Skates How to Do a Waltz...
just like the tires on a car. This makes balancing easier for beginners, but reduces speed and agility. Rollerblades, on the other hand, have all the wheels in a single row, resembling an ice skate with wheels. The wheels are also not as wide. It can be trickier to learn to rollerblad...
# How to Rollerblade最新版 Strap on your in-lines and learn how to rollerblade with these videos. Rollerblader Tim Phang starts by teaching you the basics -- how to balance on your rollerblades how to stop how to turn how to control speed and how to skate backwards. Once you've master...
The sales of skateboard stores peak during seasons when people have plenty of time to skateboard such as during vacations and holidays but there are also times of the year when rollerblades and skateboards hardly sell. You will therefore find it a good idea to consider effective marketing ...
began a three-year (split into three phases with breaks in-between) trip across China on rollerblades. During that time, he encountered sandstorms, obstructive police, and altitude sickness, but persevered. By the end of 2012 he had skated through 286 cities, with the financial cost of all...