To simplify a square root, we need to find the prime factorization of the given number. If a factor doesn't have a pair, retain them under the square root symbol, otherwise, take one number out of the square root from each pair. For example: √12 =√2×2×32×2×3= 2√3. This...
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32= 9 and the square root of 9, √9 = 3. Since 9 is a perfect square, hence it is easy to find the square root. But for an imperfect square like 3, 7, 5, etc., we have to use different methods to find the square root. Learnsquare roots from 1 to 25with some shortcut tri...
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To cut a very long story short, and simplify it, after a dozen or so external reports, baseline testing revealed only 74% compliance with Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. At that point, in July 2017, I was asked as the then Chief Health Officer, by the Minister for Health, to conduc...
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