Thanks a lot for sensitizing my knowledge on how to avoid useless mistakes in the areas of addressing my letters to both formal, semi-formal and informal ways. You are really gifted in your profession . justin okpalaobi Ms Rebecca, I have a question with regard in writing MS, MRS and ...
You also need to practice your own alphabet. Most tools out there know about ASL, but that is really confusing if your languages is slightly different (say DSGS or DGS) and totally useless if your alphabet is completely different, such as the two handed British Sign Language (BSL). What ...
NOTE: To get news like this every week in your inbox, before it hits our website, subscribe to our Accessibility in the News e-newsletter. There are no ads or graphics, and we never send spam. Just use the sign-up form on this page to subscribe and stay up to ...
The students indicated that they disliked the task with the authentic situation, because the perimeter of the market place was something they would never need; the task with the authentic context showed them more clearly the uselessness of mathematics; the authentic context made mathematics worse. ...