asiyanbi Regular Visitor 04-18-2023 08:52 AM Good day to you community. This is my first time of posting here even though I have been a ghost viewer of some of the amazing work of some members here. So I decided to put some practice with the new book I came acrossed...
Even if you have to mock it up in Paint or something or simple text, something is better than nothing. This will help the answerer understand exactly the result that you are trying to achieve instead of going down the wrong path. It is even better if the expected results that you post...
The National Bureau of Investigation made effective the “No Appointment, No Entry” policy for those applying for NBI Clearance. This means that you cannot apply and make your personal appearance all in the same day. Thus, it is strongly advised to register online beforehand and set an appoint...
Even if you have to mock it up in Paint or something or simple text, something is better than nothing. This will help the answerer understand exactly the result that you are trying to achieve instead of going down the wrong path. It is even better if the expected results that you post...
Sign up for aNo-IPuser account and create a dynamic DNS hostname. In my example I am usingpaloaltotest.freedynamicdns.netas the host. By default it will create an"A" recordwhich is what I want as I am using IPv4. I haven't tried this is IPv6, but it would l...
Sign up for aNo-IPuser account and create a dynamic DNS hostname. In my example I am usingpaloaltotest.freedynamicdns.netas the host. By default it will create an"A" recordwhich is what I want as I am using IPv4. I haven't tried this is IPv6, but it wou...
eSIM Get US$3 off your first eSIM data pack from Airalo. Use code KATRIN8414 when you sign up or apply it at checkout. Teach English Abroad Travel and earn by teaching English abroad! Discover how to start and find the best opportunities....
After validation, the SSS Representative will direct you to line up in the ID Capture Section. 9. Proceed to Biometrics and ID Capturing Section There will be an SSS Staff that will verify your information and will get your thumb and index biometrics. You will also be asked to sign your ...
During startup you can see the GRUB Loader of Kali Linux. Here you can choose “Kali GNU/Linux” to boot your PC/Laptop with the newKali Linuxor else choose “Windows Recovery Environment” to boot intoWindows 10. Cool, here is your new hacking and penetration testing partner. Start to ...
Foreigners with citizenship [other than countries not allowed to apply listed by the Philippine Ministry of foreign affairs and immigration]※ persons over the age of 18The passport is valid for 6 monthsNBI of the National Bureau of investigation of the Philippines has no criminal record (those ...