Tip:If you don't have a Microsoft account, you can select "New to Microsoft?Create one!" Enter your email, phone number, or Skype sign-in that you use for other services (Outlook, Excel, etc.), then selectNext. Tip:You can use any of the email address a...
Tip:If you don't have a Microsoft account, you can select "New to Microsoft?Create one!" Enter your email, phone number, or Skype sign-in that you use for other services (Outlook, Excel, etc.), then selectNext. Tip:You can use any of the email address aliases you may have on you...
To sign in to Outlook.com or Hotmail, you'll need your Microsoft Account username and password. Sign-in Can't sign in to Hotmail or Outlook.com? Microsoft always keeps an eye out for unusual sign-in activity, just in case someone else...
For additional help see,I forgot the username or password for the account I use with Microsoft 365. I don't know how to sign out To sign out of Outlook on the web: SelectAccount managerin the Outlook header. If you don't see your picture at the top of screen, check to s...
Applies to: Office 365 for professionals and small businesses, Office 365 for enterprises, Microsoft Exchange, Live@eduYou can use Outlook Web App to access your e-mail account via a Web browser. The URL (Web address) you’ll use to sign in to Outlook Web App depends on the type of ...
Step 1:Open the Microsoft websitehttps://office.com/and choose the profile icon in the top-right corner with theSign inlabel. You can also select theSign inbutton on the left side of the page. The sign-in button on the Office homepage will redirect you to the Microsoft 365 sign-in ...
Setting Up a Microsoft Account on an iPhone MS Word iPhone Sign in Screen Download the Microsoft Outlook app from the App Store if you don’t already have it on your iPhone. Open the app and select “Sign up” Fill in the required information ...
Outlook.com Hotmail.com Live.com MSN.com Log in to your email account. At the top right corner, click, and then clickOptions. In theOptionspanel, clickMail>Accounts>POP and IMAP. If you don't see these items, clickConnect devices and apps with POPunderManaging your account. ...
Use your computer web browser and go to your email provider's website: Outlook.com Hotmail.com Live.com MSN.com Log in to your email account. At the top right corner, click, and then clickOptions. In theOptionspanel, clickMail>Accounts>POP and IMAP. ...
On the Outlook Web App sign-in page, type your user name and password, and then clickSign in. The user name must be in one of the following formats: Username@domain.com Domain/username Note In most cases, the user name and password are the logon name and password that you use to lo...