The shut-off valve is located next to the meter on the inlet pipe. Use a crescent wrench or anEmergency Gas Shut-Off Wrenchand turn the valve a quarter turn in either direction so that it runs perpendicular (crosswise) to the pipe. The line is now closed. Remember - once the gas is ...
Find and turn off the master gas valve outside the house. Go to a telephone and call the gas company or the fire department immediately to report a leak. Do not re-enter your home.Cleaning the Burners Clogged burners are a very common problem with gas ranges because foods spilled on ...
gas companies add chemicals called odorants to create a natural gas smell similar to sulphur or rotting eggs. The stronger this smell, the more likely it is that you have a gas leak. You may get a slight whiff of this smell when turning on an ...
Gas and electric ovens operate fairly simply, and their components are designed for quick disassembly. Learn to service and repair them.
Method of testing a gas shut-down valve for a combustion engine, by which method the valve is placed in a chamber of a holder 1 and the valve in closed condition is influenced by a non-burnable test gas under pressure to check whether the valve seat and the sealing ring 6 of the ...
similar to an electric oven. One of the most basic operations you'll perform with your gas oven occurs when you learn how to turn a gas oven off when you finish cooking. However, just in case you can't turn your oven off, you should know how to shut off the gas valve to the ...
By switching the pre-heat function off, it will take slightly longer for your hot water taps to gain temperature. But you could cut your gas usage, which in turn can help cut down your energy bills. 15. Get your boiler serviced - it could save you thousands! Getting your boiler serviced...
Install a shutoff valve at the dryer’s connections to the gas line if you have a natural-gas drying system. The dryer should then be unplugged and disconnected. Examine each component of the dryer — coils, wires, and so on. You can either repairs any visible damages or corrosion yoursel...
Here is how to clean sediment from a fuel strainer: Step 1: Find and close the shutoff valve on the fuel line. Step 2: Loosen the lock nut on the bowl retainer and remove the sediment bowl. Step 3: Empty and clean the sediment bowl. Clean the filter screen. Refill the sediment bowl...
In this way, the MOV only diverts the surge current, while allowing the standard current to continue powering whatever machines are connected to the surge protector. Metaphorically speaking, the MOV acts as a pressure-sensitive valve that only opens when there is too much pressure. Gas Discharge...