I keep wanting to do this and forgetting how, so I'm writing it down. Here's how to embed a YouTube video in a GitHub ReadMe markdown file. Thanks for thisStack Overflow answerfor the tip. Step 1: Get the YouTube Video ID The YouTube video ID is the part of the URL after the...
Looking up the commit SHA by hand is inconvenient, however, so as a shortcut press Y to a permalink to a file in a specific commit as this help.github page says. To always show the latest image on the assets branch, use the blob URL: https://github.com/github/{repository}/blob/a...
A GitHub profile README is a feature of GitHub that allows users to use a Markdown file named README to write details about themselves such as their skills, interests, GitHub stats and showcase it to the GitHub community. It’s shown at the top of your GitHub home page, above the pinn...
GitHubのReadmeなどのMarkdownでmp4形式の動画を埋め込む方法|How to embed mp4 video file on GitHub Markdown - RuinDig/mp4-video-on-markdown
原文地址:How To Create A GitHub Profile README GitHub最近更新了一项新功能,它可以让用户创建一个可配置的README来在他们的Githb个人主页中突出展示。本文来探索一下怎样使用这项新特性。我也会分享我看到过的的一些有趣的Github个人主页。如果你在Twitter @waterproofheart上与我分享自己的作品,我会很喜欢。
After releasing all models here as github releases, I will also release them onHugging Faceso they are automatically downloadable if used in an application, or used in a huggingface space for example, which i had made two just to showcase, youll find them in the link. ...
includingGitHub time tracking, allow developers to monitor their progress, allocate resources effectively, and gain insights into the time spent on specific tasks, ultimately leading to improved project efficiency and accountability. GitHub has created over 60 million new repositories, showcasing its relev...
source software, you need to carefully check them before using them in your project. Similar to recommended community standards with open-source software such as including a README, code of conduct, contributing file, and issue templates, you can follow these recommendations when using GitHub ...
The alternative is to have walls of text all over, which can be very off-putting to readers. We look at the README as the central hub for all the information that users need to understand a project. It should provide a high-level overview of the project and also show users where to ...
I don´t want to read I just want you to show me how to install!! Ok, check this out! https://tutorials.youphptube.com/video/streamer-and-encoder Mobile APP Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mobile.youphptube.com Are you having a hard time to configure or ...