Family doctors in rural China are the main force for primary health care, but the workforce has not been well stabilized in recent years. Surface acting is an emotional labor strategy with a disparity between inner feelings and emotional displays, provoking negative effects such as emotional exhaust...
If theUSD/CADprice is 1.33, the market is saying it costs 1.33 Canadian dollars to buy 1 U.S. dollar. At the bank, though, it may cost 1.37 Canadian dollars. The difference between the market exchange rate and the exchange rate it charges is the bank’s profit. It is compensating it...
The popular Amihud (2002) illiquidity ratio does not capture the time-series variability of liquidity in the cryptocurrency markets.10 The poor performance is driven by the relationship between volume and liquidity that is assumed to be negative in Amihud (2002) and is positive in cryptocurrency ma...
To make it even less scary, tell you what I’m going to do: for the rest of today’s post, I’m going to walk you through every syllable of the rules for Make Us Want to Eat It Literary Competition, giving you visual examples of how to apply those guidelines to your cont...
4 The information about visa cost between the country pairs was first entered in the currency that was indicated in the official source. Later on, we harmonized currencies into US dollars (USD) for each visa category. The date of the currency exchange rate was set to June 1, 2019. In ...
In that case, overspending results in anegativefigure. Businesspeople use both conventions, and neither is incorrect. What matters is that everyone in the firm uses thesamepractice, consistently. Responding to Budget Variance In the real business world, small differences between actual and budget fig...
21. While low-income households may partially offset less-intensive home cooling with visits to cooling centers, this behavior likely does not explain much of our estimates. Derakhshan et al. (2023) find using mobile phone location pings that 12% of their sample visits...
the period under study.Table 4also shows a strong correlation (0.99) between the two measures of REER and a significantly negative correlation between the three measures of exchange rate and exports, thus proving that a real appreciation or an overvaluation of the Egyptian pound are negatively corr...
Specifically, we show that the type of polling location (e.g., church, school, etc.) where people happen to be assigned to vote in a U.S. general election influences how they cast their ballots. Campaigns spend millions of dollars each election trying to shift even a percentage of the ...
Notes: N = 264; Values in parentheses are standard errors. + p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01. Hypothesis 1 proposed that CEO gender will be related to funding knowledge such that female CEOs will report lower knowledge of funding sources than male CEOs. Hypothesis 1 was supported ...