如何在 AutoCAD 中创建自定义线型。 解决方案: 在AutoCAD 中有两个选项可用于创建自定义线型: 手动创建自己的线型 .lin 文件,然后将其加载到 AutoCAD 的线型管理器中(请参见视频 创建线型 AutoCAD |提示)。 使用Express Tools 创建线型(请参见教程:创建自定义简单线型)。 注意: Expre...
如何在 AutoCAD 中创建自定义线型。 解决方案: 在AutoCAD 中有两个选项可用于创建自定义线型: 手动创建自己的线型 .lin 文件,然后将其加载到 AutoCAD 的线型管理器中(请参见视频 创建线型 AutoCAD |提示)。 使用Express Tools 创建线型(请参见教程:创建自定义简单线型)。 注意: Express Tools ...
I will create a line type from this AutoCAD sample block. Insert to a drawing, and explode it. To create a line type from this complex geometry, we will have to create a shape file. Don’t worry; Express Tool also has an excellent tool to create it. From AutoCAD ribbon (or menu),...
I have created a custom linetype on autocad 2015 to resemble insulation on an architectural drawing. when my college wishes to view the file on their computer the linetype does not show in the correct format. if you know the solution please may you explain in very simple terms...
just to update: starting with AutoCAD 2016 there is a new sysvar XREFOVERRIDE (>>>details<<<) which can adjust the display of referenced objects as like they were all created with color/linetype/lineweight/transparency = "byLayer". ... and all that without modifying the source drawing(s)...
How Do I plot my hidden lines to look as they do I model space? For example, if my hidden line-linetype scale is set at .025 the dashes are a certian size in model space, but when I plot they are a completely different size, or have dissapeared altogether. Sort by date Sort by...
如何在 AutoCAD 中创建自定义线型。 解决方案: 在AutoCAD 中有两个选项可用于创建自定义线型: 手动创建自己的线型 .lin 文件,然后将其加载到 AutoCAD 的线型管理器中(请参见视频 创建线型 AutoCAD |提示)。 使用Express Tools 创建线型(请参见教程:创建自定义简单线型)。 注意: Express Tools 在 ...
This article describes how to work with the MSLTSCALE and PSLTSCALE system variables. This can be the result of the MSLTSCALE and/or PSLTSCALE system variables not being set properly. Starting with AutoCAD 2008, linetype scaling in model space is control
I have in DWG a some user-defined linetype (eg. "Divide") in linetypeTable. I read some other linetype from the lin file (acdbLoadLineTypeFile(L"MyDivide", L"MyLin.lin", acdbCurDwg()). Now and I want to copy all properties from line "MyDivide" to existing "Divide"...
I have gone around and around in circles trying to come up with a satisfactory solution for obtaining a high quality (vector, NOT raster) plot in a hidden style that will respect line weight. Basically, I can get the layout to look great in paper space, but I cannot generate a plot ...