How to organize completed tasks in excel I have a pretty sizable training log in excel, wherein we track mandated trainings and the completion dates for each employee. My manager would prefer not to have so many columns, so I created anothe...Show More example.PNG55 KB admin excel trainin...
Become an Excel expert through this blog, which will provide you with a step-by-step approach to becoming an Excel expert, starting from the basics and gradually advancing to more techniques.
Macro enabled Excel file not opening? You may wonder how to recover corrupted macro enabled Excel file in Windows 10 and Windows 7. This post has outlined the reasons of macro enabled excel workbook get corrupted, and top 5 ways to fix a corrupted macro
6 steps to extract website data with Excel web queriesStep 1: Go to Data > Get External Data > From Web.Step 2: A browser window named “New Web Query” will appear.Step 3: In the address bar, write the web address.Step 4: The page will load and will show yellow icons against ...
In Excel 2013 or the new version, click Design > Add Chart Element > Data Labels > Center.4. Then go to a blank range and type cell contents as below screenshot shown:5. Then in cell next to the column you type this =B2/B$6 (B2 is the cell value you want to show as ...
Showing percentage in Excel seems to be one of the earliest tasks, right? But experienced Excel users know that a path to the goal almost never runs smooth :) 1. Display as many decimal places as you want When applying the percent formatting to numbers, Excel sometimes shows rounded percenta...
Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to create a dashboard in Excel. Step 1: Import the necessary data into Excel No data. No dashboard. So the first thing to do is to bring data into Microsoft Excel. If your data already exists in Excel, do a victory dance 💃 because yo...
This powerful feature enables you to batch count and calculate data by groups swiftly with only a few clicks. Follow the steps below to get started: Kutools for Excel offers over 300 advanced features to streamline complex tasks, boosting creativity and efficiency. Enhanced with AI capabilities, ...
So, the textbox will show the value of the percentage of completed tasks in cell C5. Press Enter to display the result. Let’s change the color and size of the text. Click on the text of the textbox. Go to the Home tab. Click on the drop-down menu of Font Color from the Font...
shortcut key combination. In Method 1, we'll show you how to assign a shortcut key to your macro, making it quick and easy to execute whenever you need it. With just a few clicks to set up the shortcut, you'll be able to automate tasks and boost your productivity in Excel ...