How to prove that a subgroup is normal? Suppose that \{ a_n \} is a sequence such that \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} a_n = L . Then, use the reverse triangle inequality | |x| - |y| | \leq | x - y | to an \epsilon/N proof that \l ...
How to prove that a group is Abelian? Prove that there can be one nontrivial homomorphism from S_3 \to Z_3. Hint: What are the normal subgroup of How to tell if a group is Abelian from a Cayley graph? If G is an abelian group, prove that G(p) is a subgroup? How to show th...
Subgroup analysis is a process that allows you to drill down to see how specific variables affect the outcome of secondarydata analysis. Respondents are grouped according to demographic characteristics like race, ethnicity, age, education, or gender. Other variables can be party identification, health...
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a leading cause of lower respiratory tract disease in young children and elderly people. Although the virus was isolated in 1955, an effective RSV vaccine has not been developed, and the only licensed intervention is
Calculating the rate of something happening in a subgroup and comparing it to another can help suss out disproportionate impact, especially when the groups are different sizes. Comparing two groups A school has 300 white and 120 Black students. Last year, 30 white students were suspended, and 20...
Today, there are at least two ways to create electricity using soil: In one, the soil basically acts as a medium for electron flow; in the other, the soil is actually creating the electrons. Let's start with the Soil Lamp displayed in Milan. The device uses dirt as part of the ...
The measurements should be made under normal working conditions, because if machines and other items in the process are set up specially for measurements to be made, the result will only show the capability of the process under 'best case' conditions. Verify that the process is in a 'state ...
They occur late after exposure (years) and only in a subgroup of irradiated persons. In cancer therapy, deterministic effects are sought to control tumours and are feared due to normal tissue complications (e.g., bone marrow, kidney, and salivary gland toxicities). The deterministic effects ...
Kim Mills: Up to 4% of people in the US live with bipolar disorder, what used to be called manic depression, but as common as this mood disorder is, it is also often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Indeed, many people with bipolar disorder wait years bet
BACKGROUND: Recent guidelines for those with acute low back pain have advocated early resumption of normal activity and increased physical activity. Little is known about the relationship between low back pain and physical activity, and on the impact of that relationship on the promotion of increase...