This short bar article introduces readers to the ALWD Manual. The article identifies key differences between the Bluebook and the ALWD citation manuals. The authors suggest the ALWD manual is a more user-friendly citation tool for students, the bench and the bar....
TheOxford Standard for Citations of Legal Authorities(OSCOLA for short) is a standardized system for legal citations. In particular, OSCOLA is used in UK jurisprudence, so you should know this referencing style if you’restudying lawin the UK. But how do you cite an ebook inOSCOLA?
How Do I Cite? Try Using the ALWD Manual to Find Your AnswerscitationbluebookALWDThis short bar article introduces readers to the ALWD Manual. The article identifies key differences between the Bluebook and the ALWD citation manuals. The aFischer, Judith D....