Due to an excessive number of sellers in the market, today’s buyers have numerous options for making the purchase. So, they prefer to shop from the business which gives them the highest discount or is trustable for them. Coupons are the gamified version of discounts, and they too grab a ...
Businesses use coupons and discounts because they attract customers and motivate them to shop with them instead of the competition. The problem is, using coupons and discounts too often, or sloppily, can permanently eat into profits. JC Penney used to run what seemed like permanent sales. Custome...
A guide that shows you how to save money on groceries with grocery coupons The $50 Grocery Challenge: Can You Feed Your Family for a Week? BudgetingByShay HuntleyFebruary 21, 2025Leave a comment Stretching a tight budget while keeping your family well-fed can feel like a daunting task. How...
Sales promotions help attract new customers. Many people are willing to try something new without taking risks, so coupons, discounts, and other special offers influence purchasing decisions and boost customer acquisition. And if shoppers enjoy your products, they’re likely to become repeat purchasers...
There may be a universe of coupons and promo codes out there to get deals online, which will automatically reduce the price of what you’re buying. Let free browser extensions, such as Capital One Shopping, Honey and Sidekick do the research. “They test each code to...
Costco also has a cash card (fancy name for a gift card) that they call the “Costco Shop Card“. With a Costco Shop Card, any non-member can show the card to get in the door and use it to make a purchase. You can also use a Costco Shop Card to buy gas at Costco, but you...
If a store doesn’t allow stacking of coupon or promo codes, there may still be additional ways to stack rewards or cash back. Using a payment provider or cashback app that offers deals for using the provider to shop or pay can be a useful way to stack rewards. Paying with a rewards ...
88% of respondents said they had used coupons for shopping. Offering coupon codes encourages people to complete their purchase. If you’re offering coupons and want to remove all extra charges when a buyer applies the coupon code, you simply have to check ‘Remove fees once a 100% discount...
Use customer data to inform offers. For example, high-value coupons are an excellent tool for reengaging past customers. However, it’s essential to look at their purchase history and preference data to spur the desired action. If they previously shopped at a specific store location or were ...
To check out stuff that was sold on eBay more than 90 days ago, you can use a tool calledeBay Terapeak. It’s like a special detective tool within eBay that helps you understand what’s been happening in the market. If you’ve got your own eBay shop, finding Terapeak is easy. Just...