In Game 1 197 012 24h Peak 1 322 973 All Time Peak 1 802 853 Players in game Today’s top PlayerKDRating 1 ZywOo 1.39 1.27 2 s1mple 1.38 1.24 3 donk 1.27 1.23 4 sh1ro 1.45 1.22 5 ANa 1.36 1.2 6 m0NESY 1.32 1.19 7
4. Use a putty knife for tight corners Here’s a neat trick to help you sand faster. To get to those hard to reach areas you can attach your sandpaper to a putty knife. In this case, you will need a flexible putty knife and an adhesive-backed sandpaper. Wrap the adhesive-backed san...