Confucius was an archery teacher and used the practice as an analogy forwu-wei, or effortless action. To successfully shoot a bow and arrow intuitively, you’ve got totry not to try, because the
are talking about and can actually shoot. Different uses for flu flu arrows There is not sense in limiting the fun you can have with flu flu arrows. Fun Shooting There are a broad range of targets that are fun to shoot out of the air. Foam disks, soccer balls, clay pigeons, etc. ...
Shotgun targets are usually referred to as "clays" or "clay pigeons." There are three kinds of shotgun target shooting: Trap, Skeet, and Sporting Clays. These shoots can all help improve accuracy when hunting, and they're practiced both casually and in professional competitions. All of the...
A few months ago we did a post onfiring a handgun safely and correctly. This time we’ll focus on how to shoot a rifle. So I headed back over to the U.S. Shooting Academy here in Tulsa, OK to talk to Mike Seeklander, Director of Training at the Academy. He explained the very b...
move. If someone gave me a real rifle and, say, a bunny, I’d never hit the thing. Meanwhile I could probably hit the broad side of a barn, though I have limited access to barns where I live and to be honest I’ve never understood why anyone would shoot a barn in the first ...