Wherever you are on the cruise ship and whatever you're doing, it's likely that a crew member isn't too far away since cruise ships employ very large crews, well over 1,000 people. Here's a list of some of the more nautically inclined crew members and some of their responsibilities....
Under internationalFreedom of Navigationlaws, aircraft carriers and other warships are recognized assovereign territoriesin almost all of the ocean. As long as a ship doesn't get too close to any nation's coast, the crew can carry on just like they're back home. So, while the U.S. milit...
Easy peasy. Though it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes fulfillment centers don’t dispatch quickly, or they don’t send out tracking numbers, or they don’t reply to e-mails, or they send the wrong stuff, or they package games really poorly…or all of the above. So it’...
To make sure all your stuff fits into the right size carry-on, considerpacking cubes, which save space and help organize your belongings. And if you want to forgo the luggage struggle altogether, including checking in a bag, you canuse a company to ship your luggageand breeze onto the pla...
How will people greet you if you travel to different country. Here are some of the ways that people create each other. Write the fizzle and its picture and tell in what situation and in which country people usually greet in this way. Reference words. Reference words.不。 Kiss. Hug. Sick...
How to make money reselling your stuff What to sell How to sell Where to sell Bottom line What to sell The first step is to go through your home and collect the items you no longer want. This allows you to dip a toe into the resale world without making the financial commitment of buy...
I also walk you through the promotional strategies that light a fire under people and get them sharing / linking your stuff. But for now, here’s what you need to know about getting people to link you: While you MUST provide an incentive, you should NEVER make the other person feel “...
It took plenty of redesigns to create a HUD that was stylish, functional, and kept with the theme of piloting a submarine. Here's how we got here, along with a few tips that might help you out.
How to view sold items on eBay older than 90 days Why should sellers see eBay sold items? When you sell stuff on eBay, looking at what other people have sold is really helpful. It shows you important info like how many things are sold for, what people want, and what’s trending. Che...
From figuring out what you’ll sell to how you’ll create inventory, here are the 7 essential steps you need to take to become an entrepreneur.