Shipping artwork internationally safely requires thoughtful packing. Here are some practical tips for how to pack a painting and other art forms for shipping: 1. Unframed paintings Shipping unframed Burmese paintings is generally seen as less expensive and risky compared to their fra...
Need to ship art overseas? Visit our blog for a comprehensive guide on how to ensure artwork safety in international shipping.
Choose mailing tubes that are sturdy and durable enough to transport artwork safely. The ideal shipping tube should be made of thick outer cardboard or other rigid materials that won’t easily crush or bend. Ensure the tube is long and wide enough to accommodate a large artwork without excessi...
As well as understanding the best ways to ship a painting, it’s also essential to understand the fundamentals of art packaging. So, you’re never caught short if you need to move a valuable or sentimental piece. Importance Of Protecting Your Art Transporting artwork safely and securely is vi...
Check and double check your artwork has been packaged sufficiently. If you have any doubts or need help, please let us know before you ship. Stay in touch with your broker and be prepared to answer any questions or resolve any issues the buyer may have with their delivered artwork. Reme...
you could charter a jet and hand-deliver the artwork to your client to make sure it arrives safely and professionally, but this approach would be neither economical nor efficient (probably not all that ecologically friendly either). Ultimately, I want to ship the artwork for the least cost, ...
SELL LARGER ARTWORK , SHIP EASIER FORLESS MONEY! The Ingenius new way to get your Artwork where it needs to go... Safely, Easily and Inexpensively 1 EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SHIP YOUR FINISHED PAINTING IS INCLUDED Slide the canvas out of the tube and follow simple instructions. A tight, ...
DIY - Pack and ship the artwork yourself. When you’re just starting a business selling art, this could be the most affordable option. However, as you scale, you’ll likely need to outsource work to prevent this step from cannibalizing your time. Third-party logistics partner (3PL) - ...
Easy-to-understand processes with the help of MyDHL+, MyBill, and ODD(On-Demand Delivery)tools and services. Real-time updates of the clearance of the shipment statuses for transparency from start to finish. Worry no more about how long it will take to ship your items, how much internatio...
Artwork: The weight of a ship pulling down is balanced by upthrust—the pressure of the water underneath, pushing up.Unfortunately, none of this really explains why an aircraft carrier floats! So why does it? Where does that "magic" buoyant force actually come from? An aircraft carrier ...