Here’s where technique comes into play. The key to shaving pubes is to use short strokes with gentle pressure. You can shave in any direction that feels comfortable, but shaving “with the grain” will help to avoid excess shaving irritation. Clean the blade in water every 2-3 strokes to...
How much or little you shave is up to you. If you’re just trying to avoid playing ‘peek-a-boo pubes’ with your bikini bottoms, slide them on to see how much you have left to shave periodically during this process. Step 3: Treat So you’ve finished, you’ve got a silky hair ...
5. Offer to shave their testicles and or the area around their anus. Sounds strange but bear with us. The prostate is in such a vulnerable place, and many people can feel a bit self conscious of their anus when it comes to hygiene. Of course, the key to this is in the offering ...