Tip for Women:If you’re making flirty eye contact with someone, keep persisting. ResearcherMonika Moorestudied eye gaze and found that most men require usually 3 separate gaze signals in order to “get” that they are being flirted with. Sometimes even up to 5 for really slow men. And i...
Pro Tip:Whatever you do, don’t stare TOO much. An intimacy equilibrium model by Argyle and Dean says if you stare too much, the other person will look lessnchi. My favorite technique I used back in my college days is to make eye contact, hold the contact for 3 seconds, then give ...
It’s helpful to add a narrative for each project so that visitors can get a sense of how you come up with creative solutions and/or work with your clients. An oft-overlookedportfolio design tip: make sure to give a concise description of the project and mention your role, as well as ...
Once you’ve spent a while doing portrait photography, you may find yourself in a creative rut. You’ll want to keep shooting, but you’ll struggle to come up with new ideas to take your portraits to the next level. That’s when it can be a good idea to try a more experimental tec...
Tip #3: Avoid constant intervening If your little one stands, sits, or plays in their crib at sleep time, you’re not alone. While it can be tempting to continually lay them down, this can result in a power struggle and leave both of you frustrated. Instead, give your child ...
Find your favorite dress shape Now that you’ve got a handle on the waistline, let’s look at dress shape and style. There are a lot of great dress options out there, from casual to workwear to formal. To help you navigate, our Stylists have narrowed it down to their top 5 favorite...
Read below for more ideas on using wordplay to create a unique brand name. 5. … Or play with spelling As an alternative to wordplay, consider playing with your spelling. Think of brand like Lyft, or a local drapery and sewing company called Hemme. (Pro-tip: This can also be a creativ...
To play pool, you’ll need two cue sticks (one for each player or team). These are usually 57 to 59 inches long, and they have a chalky tip. Most pool tables come with a small piece of chalk you should use to re-chalk your cue stick before every shot. ...
Add to glue and mix thoroughly. Mix in the contact lens solution. Keep mixing until the slime gets noticeably more difficult to mix. Remove slime from bowl and knead with your hands to help it really take shape. *Helpful tip — if you notice that the slime is too sticky when kneading,...
Are there landmarks you need to call out, such as “in old city” or the stadiums or anything else significant that will be a cue for your searcher? What are the local places of interest that matter to your company? How do folks describe your neighborhood in natural speak? 5. More qu...