How to prune lilac bushes and when. Pruning Lilacs at the right time. Learn how to prune lilac bushes for shape and to rejuvenate the bush.
Decide on the shape that you would like to achieve, whether it be a column, pyramid, globe, spiral or intricate animal shape. Simple geometric designs are best for novice sculptors as they develop their bush sculpting skills. Refer to a picture of a similar design as you sculpt your bushes...
How to thin your bushes:To thin, make anangled cutabout one-half inch above a bud if the plant has alternating buds. If a plant has buds directly opposite one another, cut just below the buds at an angle. Cutting in this way stimulates those buds to put out new growth. If your plan...
This is how a sand dune may actually move over time -- it rolls along, maintaining its shape as it goes. How and why does a sand dune crest? As the wind moves sand up to the top of the sandpile, the pile becomes so steep it begins to collapse under its own weight, and the ...
Just shear the flowers off like you would shape a boxwood hedge. The plants respond to this type of trimming by continuing to pump out more foliage. Finally, as you pinch basil flowerbuds, don’t toss them in the compost, instead use them in the kitchen. They have a wonderful basil ...
Propagating holly bushes through woody stem cuttings does not require any special equipment. Through proper selection and cutting the correct stem, a seedling will grow that can be transplanted the second year growing season. While the holly bush is a br
PLANTING AZALEA BUSHES Perfecto Mundo® Pink Carpet dwarf azalea. Photo by: Proven Winners. When to plant: Plant azalea shrubs during the cooler months of spring or fall to avoid heat or cold stress. Where to plant: Choose a full to partially sunny site with rich well-draining soil. ...
How to grow Rose of Sharon flower bushes. Growing Rose of Sharon flowering bush plants in your yard. Growing better with The Gardener's Network.
Roses are beautiful in the yard, in a vase and in potpourri. Their lovely smell and classic shape and bloom evoke romantic memories in the most hardened of hearts and they are relatively easy to plant and care for. However, by taking just a few extra minutes when caring for your roses,...
Be sure to correct any environmental issues if possible; if not, put the new shrub in a better spot. Then be sure to stay on top of regular shrub care. Proper Pruning Techniques Pruning shrubs is not like taking a hedge trimmer to the bushes in the front yard. Dealing with a densely ...