Inset pockets can be functional, providing a discreet place to store small items like keys or coins, or they can be purely decorative, adding visual interest to the garment without practical utility. Overall, inset pockets are a classic and sophisticated feature in garment construction, offering st...
Learning how to sew a zipper is much easier than you thought. Here you'll find everything you need to know about sewing zippers, shortening and installing a zipper, and all the zipper sewing tips I wish I knew when I was starting out. Even where to shop for zippers. Learn how to sew...
Whitcomb, like a few other English tailors, has started doing an ‘inset’ shoulder as an option on its jackets. This means that the sleeve looks like it runs underneath the shoulder where the two meet, and is what the Italians refer to as ‘spalla camicia’. More importantly, there is...