How to... sew a pocket quilt.Offers suggestions for sewing pocket quilt. Use of the pockets as storage for small objects; Steps for stitching; Equipment needed.FritzAnneLouiseEBSCO_AspWomans Day
but learninghow to sew a quiltis simpler than it seems. I remember the first time I picked up a needle and fabric, unsure where to begin. Slowly, step by step, I learned the basics, and each piece came together. Quilt-making became a relaxing and enjoyable way to create something perso...
Then join the rows together to form the blanket top. When joining the rows you can either keep and sew the seam allowances open or keep the seam allowances closed and to either side. Otherwise seam allowances will be thick, along the seams. For the quilt back, you should cut the ...
then with the cotton batting, and finally with the velveteen fabric on top. Using your preferred basting technique, baste the layers together. If you’re new to sewing, I love using basting spray for smaller quilt projects like this. Simply spray a light coat between each...
See how to sew quilt binding: first, how to bind a quilt, a mug rug, a potholder, and how to sew mitered corners. Everything you need to know to make quilt binding corners - the easy way. And the BEST? I added a Quilt Binding Calculator for you - stop guessing and counting, ju...
Just in case you haven’t sewn them all together yet! Step One: How to Sew your Blocks into a Quilt Top If you haven’t already, you need to stitch the quilt blocks from your quilt into a quilt top. Most quilt patterns give you the layout directions, so you know what blocks to ...
and I was just enthralled watching her sew. So a recap of my lessons learned: Let them tell me when they're ready to start. Pick something they really want to make, not something simpler that they aren't interested in. Simplify.A tote can be a singlerectangle folded down the middle wi...
You don’t have to be an experienced quilter to create this doll quilt. My sewing expertise is garment sewing, yet I was able to easily sew this adorable patchwork quilt for a special little one in my life. The best part? If your squares don’t match up perfectly it’s okay! I won...
Inside: How to Square Up a Quilt Did you know that the quilting process can make your perfectly pieced quilt top un-square? This happens because quilting can stretch a quilt out of being square. This tutorial will teach you how to square up a quilt. True confession here. My very first ...
Instead of quilting patterns or lines to hold the three layers together, you make a series of knots at regular intervals all over the whole quilt. This technique is fantastic for very thick quilts that have a heavy warm batting and where it would normally be very difficult to sew small ...