Warning:Vencord violatesDiscord’s terms of service. However, theVencord team has statedthat there are no known cases of account bans so far. They also mention that you should generally be fine as long as you avoid using plugins that enable abusive behavior. To stay safe, install plugins d...
2.Now open any tab that you want to set a different alert. Here I want to create a special alert for someone who donates more than $10. So I am selecting the Donation tab. You can choose any tab according to your needs, but the steps remain the same more or less. 3.Here scroll ...
Part 1:Setup custom DNS on your router, this is the DNS server, that we want our Chromecast to use. For this instance, I’ll use Smart DNS Proxy, you can use whatever works for you. Part 2:Add Static Routes to block Google DNS, to do is go to the “advanced routing option” on...