1.使用SSH连接到EC2 Linux示例。1.使用which命令确认安装了amazon-linux-extras包:
The “git lfs clone” is a command utilized for cloning a Git repository that uses Git Large File Storage (LFS). Git LFS is an extension to Git that enables the versioning and management of large files, such as multimedia or binary files more efficiently. When a user clones the repository...
Before we release a new version of Git LFS, we generally want to upgrade the version of Go used in the Docker container images generated by our git-lfs/build-dockers repository, so we add notes regarding this step to our release process documentation. Although Markdown does not require us ...
Once the terminal is open, change directory to .git/hooks.Then use the command chmod +x pre-commit to make the pre-commit file executable.Note –If you do not have your terminal setup in GitKraken Desktop, please review the Start Here Tips for setup details....
As git-lfs has lots of problem when I use it( I am newbee), I decide to stop and remove git lfs. But git lfs already tracked part of files,how to move those files back to git? What I need is a tutorial. Thanks in advance!
Binary files like spreadsheets and presentations are better suited to be tracked on portals that understand how to serve and version them properly. If you need to version large binary files, consider using the Git LFS (Large File Storage) Git extension....
I tried to download the zip file of a repo with LFS enabled. Then I unarchived it and only to find that all the LFS-tracked files are all 130 bytes size link files. I still need to recover them to real files. It’s better that Gitlab helps me do that before the downloading task ...
Although Git is well known as Version Control System nowadays, the usage of Git LFS (Large File Storage) is often unknown to Git users. In this post I will try to explain why and when Git LFS should be used and how to use it. The source code of this post
Select the components you want to install and clear the ones you don’t. At the minimum, you will need to enable the options for “Git Bash,”“Git GUI,”“Git LFS (Large File Support),”“Associate .git configuration files with the default text editor,” and “Associate .sh files to...
Git Squash combines a group of commits, clean up your repository, and makes your commit graph look prettier! Learn how to Git squash with GitKraken Desktop.