Once a connection is established between our PC and Arduino Nano, the IDE software will configure the COM port for Arduino Nano. Latest versions of IDE can configure the Arduino port itself; some older versions might be unable to do that so here is a manual way to do it. First select Ar...
In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to setup Betaflight and configure the flight controller for your first flight after building an FPV drone. There are many options you can enable or change, it will probably take hours to explain what they all do. Therefore in this guide I will only s...
ATTENTION -some clones are different. they don't have an ftdi chip, which may cause your computer to not see the arduino once plugged in with the usb. if this is the case, please follow these steps;https://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Burn-a-Boot...thanks to authorGegecfor his ...
Arduino CNC Shield– For connecting the stepper drivers to the Arduino, the easiest way is to use an Arduino CNC Shield. It utilizes all Arduino pins and provides an easy way to connect everything, the stepper motors, the spindle/ laser, the limit switches, cooling fan etc. Please note th...
The basic structure for the code that you write and upload to your Arduino looks like this: void setup() { // The code you place here runs one time, at startup } void loop() { // The code you place here is repeated indefinitely until you turn off the power ...
The boards below help to connect the Arduino IoT Cloud through WiFi. These include:MKR WiFi 1010, MKR 1000 WiFi, Nano 33 IoT, Nano RP2040 Connect, Nicla Vision, Portenta H7 Lite, and Portenta H7. In addition, connection through WiFi is the easy option, and you can enter your credentials...
In this project, we will design an Interactive Arcade Game using WS2811 LED Strip and Arduino Nano. We will interface WS2811 LED Strip with Arduino Nano and design the outer case of Arcade Game.
TBS Crossfire is a popular radio control link for FPV drones, which is known to be reliable, easy to setup and great for long range flying. Crossfire is an external RF module that can be installed directly on the back of a radio transmitter (i.e. JR module bay). The TBS Tango 2 rad...
Introduction The STM32’s integrated RTC (Real-Time Clock) peripheral can be used to periodically wake it up from one of the various Low Power modes.
Use the magnifier to find short circuits or pins not soldered. On this specific example I need to flash the bootloader of the Arduino Pro Nano. Using the pin header connector of USBASP V2.0 programmer and 6 jumper wires, connect the appropriate pins according the diagram. Warning: if you ...